CALGreen Effective January 1, 2011
It has never been easier to meet all of California’s new mandatory CALGreen Building
which is required for ALL residential buildings under three stories.
What is Required and What Delivers:
- Manual Delivered at Final Inspection (Web-based, Printed Handbook, CD or Other Media
- Manual Accessible for the Lifetime of the Structure
- Manual Must Include Operation and Maintenance Instructions for:
- Appliances
- Water Saving Devices/Systems
- Water Heating Systems
- Roof and Yard Drainage
- Space Conditioning Condensers and Filters
- Landscape Irrigation Systems
- Gutters and Downspouts
- Water Reuse Systems
- Local Utility, Service and Recycling Programs and Information
- Public Transportation Options
- Education Material on Relative Humidity
- Water Conserving Landscape and Irrigation Information
- Gutter and Downspout Diversion from Foundation Instructions
- Regular Routine Maintenance Measures
- Solar Energy and Incentive Programs
- Copy of All Special Inspection Verifications gives you all the community-specific and California compliant
information and tools you need, plus:
- GPS-Pinpointed Geographical, Weather and State Compliant Content
- O&M and Manufacturer’s Product Warranties
- Education Requirements
- Online, Print, CD and USB Delivery Options
- Professional Quality and Performance
Our full service staff are always available to help you along the way!
State of California's Press Release
New California
Code of Regulations